In the Waiting Room

Strange experiences in the pre-op room

Ravi Mach
4 min readJan 5, 2023


A few months ago, while playing competitive badminton, I landed on my left knee shabbily. I saw the shuttle lifted up at a delicious angle, and realized that I could either go for a backhand drop or I could try to reverse thrust and skip backward 3–4 steps and smash it with a forehand. I decided to go for the smash, but instead of backpedaling 3–4 steps, I tried to reach there in one big jump. But as I landed awkwardly, my knee collapsed on itself instantly. I heard a carrot snapping pop, and the next thing I knew, I was lying on…



Ravi Mach

I'm just a curious man who is a student of philosophy and literature. I have a lot of range but I'm trying to find depth by writing about stuff.